Our theologically rooted Christian vision is the driving force at Heartwood, it is threaded through everything that we do.
Jesus said 'I have come that you may have life in all its fullness' (John 10:10). He calls us to a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit. Therefore we believe the purpose of education is to nurture and enable every child to thrive and to be the person they are fully capable of being.
Learn to Love - Love to Learn!
At Heartwood, we nurture and grow hearts and minds, today, tomorrow and for life.
Providing a rich variety of experiences so that all pupils are able to flourish and discover their unique strengths and talents in a safe environment.
Through our Christian values we grow hearts that Make a Difference.
Courageous hearts that take responsibility and take social action for change,
Open hearts that respect everyone and build friendships,
Responsible hearts that protect and admire God's creatures and nature,
Thoughtful hearts that serve the community,
Strong hearts that can manage conflict,
Interconnected hearts that create global citizens,
Warm hearts that are compassionate and caring.
Through our curriculum, we grow holistic minds.
Curious minds with a thirst for knowledge,
Resilient minds that never give up,
Inquisitive minds that question, challenge and respect other points of view,
Skilful minds that are prepared for the next stage in life,
Readers who read to fill their minds with a deep understanding of the world around them,
Artistic minds that can express through creativity,
Safe minds that have the knowledge and skills to protect themselves,
Responsible minds that always want to Make a Difference locally and globally
At Heartwood, we grow hearts and minds to enable every child to flourish, enjoying a life filled with meaning and purpose, underpinned by the Christian values, a love of learning and an eagerness to make the world a better place.
‘Live life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
How Do We Live?
Our staff and governors are committed to ensuring that our distinctive Christian values are at the heart of everything we do. Every member of our school family learns, experiences, and strives to live by these values.
Our Values
Friendship - We are loving and kind. We know how to learn, play and get along together.
Compassion - We understand our own and other's feelings. We care for ourselves and others. We forgive each other when we make mistakes.
Respect - We value ourselves and others. We delight in our differences.
Service - We look for ways to help others and to make a difference.
Responsibility - We make good choices for ourselves, our community and our environment.
Courage - We feel confident enough to challenge ourselves, take risks and make mistakes. We stand up for what is right.