'Music gives a soul to the universe.
Wings to the mind
Flight to the imagination
and life to everything'- Plato
At Heartwood we value music and how it enhances wellbeing, creativity and brings people and communities together.
We have a specialised music teacher, Mr Rideout,, who inspires and teaches the children to read music and play instruments. Singing is part of our everyday curriculum. We follow the Norfolk Music Hub Charanga curriculum throughout the school.
We aim for our children to watch a wide range of live performances over their journey at Heartwood.
‘music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon’.
We are planning a live concert for our pupils and are planning for our pupils to plan and take part in their own concert in a venue for their parents and carers.
How do we teach music?
Music teaching is thread throughout the academic year. Opportunities are built in for performing and singing, including productions and services at the church (see below). We use the Norfolk Music Hub Charanga Model Curriculum to teach elements of the curriculum.
In the EYFS children sing daily through different areas of the curriculum, The provision has opportunities for children to explore different instruments and the sounds they make. Planned sessions focus on rhythm, beat and tempo.
Informed by the model music curriculum, our music curriculum sets out sequences of learning in the following key areas which, when taken together, all contribute towards the steadily increasing development of musicianship:
• Singing
• Listening
• Composing
• Performing/Instrumental Performance
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Music has a rare and unique ability to bring people together; music making can make a whole class, school and community feel connected to others and part of something bigger.
Our music curriculum celebrates the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities as it does the leaps in technology that have made available new tools and adapted instruments, leading to improved access and greater choice for all pupils to realise their creative potential.
We set high expectations for every pupil, whatever their prior attainment, using appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Potential areas of difficulty are identified and addressed at the outset. Lessons are be planned to address potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to pupil achievement.
Our curriculum is designed to prepare the children for the next stages in their education in each subject. Our curriculum map plans to support the declarative and procedural knowledge needed for the children to access and thrive in music in KS3.
Making a Difference
Music provides its listeners with such pleasure and enjoyment. We perform to the community to strengthen partnerships and bring the community together.
The teaching of music enhances the children's cultural capital and gives them the knowledge about famous and local musicians.
This includes performances at local residential homes, carol signing in the community and inviting in the community to events.
The KS2 children performed their Christmas songs to the community.
Heartwood Festival
We are excited to be planning a music festival for the future. There will be live bands, street food and dancing!
We have a specialised music teacher who comes into our school to teach aspects of the music curriculum with our KS2 children.
National Curriculum
EYFS Music
| 3 & 4-year-olds will be learning to: | Children in Reception will be learning to: | ELG |
Expressive arts and design |
| Being Imaginative and Expressive
Physical development |
Communication |