At Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School we are all working hard to make sure that your children are happy, enjoy their learning and want to come to school. Attendance is closely linked to pupil progress. To make sure all children do well at school we must ensure that their attendance is the best it can be.
For a child to reach their full educational achievement a high level of school attendance is essential. We will consistently work with a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to pupils and their parents or carers the importance of regular attendance.
Are you struggling to get your child into school and on time? We can support you with our Family Support Worker Lesley, just make contact with the school. She has already supported so many of our families.
Denise Allen is the school's Attendance Support Advisor and works in partnership with the headteacher and parents/carers to ensure that all our pupils are in school and on time.
As a school we closely monitor the attendance of all of our pupils. If their attendance becomes a concern, declines or drops below 90% we will send a letter and invite families to a meeting where we will listen, support and plan together how we will improve a child's attendance.
We work closely with the Local Authority and will refer families for fixed penalty notice fines if they take a holiday over 4.5 days in a 6 week period. We may also refer parents and carers to the local authority for prosecution if attendance is persistently poor.