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Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School
Learn to Love – Love to Learn!

We are multilingual communicators...

We know that around 60% of our English lexicon is drawn from a combination of Latin and Greek origins, with the more technical vocabulary of school reaching even higher, to something like 90%…By making the roots of the English language more obvious, we present many teachable moments

Alex Quigley (2018)



Salve et gratissimum  (Hello and welcome)


At Heartwood CE VC Primary School, we promote a love of learning languages and a fascination for how language works. We teach the AFL (Ancient Foreign Language) Latin throughout KS2.

We teach Latin as:

• it offers the opportunity to reinforce the teaching of English vocabulary and grammar

• the language lends itself to a systematic and effective style of teaching

• Latin is a logical step after phonics, reinforcing the notion of structure and pattern in language

• it provides a paradigm for language learning in KS3 and beyond, and enables the learning of other romance languages such as Spanish and French

• teaching the subject allows insights into myth and other cultural aspects that form the basis of modern Western culture




Our aims of teaching Latin in KS2 are for children to:

* listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding

* explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words

* engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others

* speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures

* read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing

*appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language

* broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary

*write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly

* describe people, places, things and actions in writing

* understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English.



Latin is taught weekly in KS2, using Minimus. Minimus is a story-based Latin course for primary pupils based around two textbooks - Minimus and Minimus Secundus.


LATIN PROGRESSION MAP                               



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

1st year of Latin

To learn to say hello and goodbye, ‘I am’ in Latin


To learn about nouns in Latin


To read and translate a Roman letter


To listen to the story of Perseus and Medusa

To learn about adjectives and how they agree with their noun

To explore the Latin roots of English words


Food lesson


To read and translate a Latin story containing adjectives


To listen to the story of Daedalus & Icarus


To encounter inflected Latin verbs

To categorise Latin verbs based on their endings


To translate Latin verbs


To read and translate a Latin story containing verbs with different personal endings


To listen to the story of Pandora

(1) To recap all six personal verb endings (present tense)

(2) To recap adjectival agreement


To learn about writing in Roman times


To listen to the story of Echo & Narcissus


To identify adverbs and know their function in English and Latin

(1) To understand how the Romans regarded the Britons

(2) To identify Latin adverbs and find English derivatives


To translate a Latin story containing nouns, verbs and adjectives


To translate Latin noun-adjective sentences containing novel vocabulary


To associate English derivatives with their Latin root word

2nd year of Latin

To recap noun-adjective agreement


To learn how Latin expresses imperative verbs (singular and plural)


To associate English derivatives with their Latin root word


To translate a Latin story containing adverbs



To encounter and recognise Latin adverbs


To learn about Roman baths To translate a Latin story containing imperative verbs


(1) To put on a Latin play set at the doctor's (2) To read the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops


To translate a Latin story containing questions


To write a letter from a Roman soldier's point of view


To encounter Latin prepositions


To translate a Latin story containing conjunctions

To understand the role of conjunctions in Latin


To translate a Latin story and find English derivatives from the vocabulary


To translate a Latin story containing subject and object nouns


To understand the difference between subject and object nouns

To translate a Latin story containing subject and object nouns


To learn about Roman tombstones


To translate a Latin story

To learn about the Roman gods


To translate a Latin story

3rd year of Latin

To translate a Latin story


To recap verb endings

To understand noun-adjective agreement


To explore Latin roots


To understand adverbs

To translate a Latin story containing personal pronouns


To understand infinitives and impersonal verbs


To learn about Roman roads

To learn about Eboracum and find out about Roman craft and technology


To translate a Latin story and recap knowledge of impersonal verbs


To translate a Latin story containing personal pronouns


To research 'mal' derivations

To translate a Latin story containing impersonal verbs


To identify Latin words by word class


To complete a comprehension on A Letter From Dacia

To translate a Latin story containing object nouns


To work on subject and object endings


To find out about Saturnalia


To work on plural object endings

4th year of Latin

To translate a Latin story containing imperatives


To learn more about imperatives


To manipulate Latin imperatives and negative imperatives


To translate the Latin story of Romulus & Remus

To translate a Latin story containing the imperfect tense


To learn more about the imperfect tense


To translate a Latin story about Delphi


To translate sentences containing the imperfect

To translate a Latin story containing forms of the verb 'to be'


To translate a Latin story containing forms of the verb 'to be'


To translate a story containing esse compound verbs


To learn more about esse compound verbs

To learn about hunting and hunting vocabulary


To translate a story containing participles


To learn more about participles


To read and illustrate the Judgement of Paris


To translate a story containing several parts of speech


To find out about Roman forts


To practice vocabulary and adjectives



To revise aspects of grammar and vocabulary


To translate a story


To translate and perform a Latin play scene




After the implementation of Minimum, pupils should leave school equipped with alinguistic foundation for reading comprehension and an appreciation of classical civilisation. A linguistic foundation in ancient languages should support the study of modern languages at key stage 3. The expected impact of teaching Latin will be that pupils have met the aims named above in the intent.


Ensuring all can access and flourish in Latin
