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Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School
Learn to Love – Love to Learn!

Religious Education

Schooling deprived of religious insights is wretched education

                                                                                                          Russell Kirk


At Heartwood, we believe that the purpose of RE is about religious literacy and aim to help pupils hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and belief. Consequently, RE intends to promote religious understanding and respect and to challenge prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. We follow the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus (2019) and children in Years 1 to 6 use the enquiry approach to answer five ‘Big Questions’ each academic year. Each unit of work has a main focus of theology, philosophy or human/social sciences:


Year groupEnquiry OneEnquiry TwoEnquiry ThreeEnquiry FourEnquiry Five

Why is the word God so important to Christians?


Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas?



Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?


Year OneWhat do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief? Christian, Hindu, JewishHow does a celebration bring a community together? Muslim, ChristianWhat do Jewish people remember on Shabbat? JewishWhat does the cross mean to Christians? ChristianHow did the universe come to be? Hindu, Christian
Year TwoWhy is light an important symbol for Christians Jews and Hindus? Christian, Jewish, HinduWhat does the nativity story teach Christians about Jesus? ChristianHow do Christians belong to their faith family? ChristianHow do Jewish people celebrate Passover (Pesach)? JewishWhy do people have different views about the idea of God? Multi/Humanist
Year ThreeHow do people express commitment to a religion/ worldview in different ways? Hindu or Jewish/Sikh/ ChristianWhat is the Trinity? ChristianWhat is philosophy? How do people make moral decisions? Christian/HumanistWhat do _____ believe about God? MuslimWhat difference does being a _____ make to daily life? Muslim
Year FourWhere do religious beliefs come from? ChristianWhat do we mean by truth? Is seeing believing? Multi, including Sikh views on God as truthHow do/have religious groups contribute to society and culture? Hindu/ChristianWhy is there so much diversity of belief within _____? Christian Includes some theological aspectsWhat does sacrifice mean? Multi/Humanist
Year FiveIs believing in God reasonable? Multi/HumanistHow has belief in _____ impacted on music and art through history? Christian/MuslimWhat can we learn about the world/knowledge/ meaning of life from the great philosophers? Buddhist/ChristianWhat difference does the resurrection make to Christians? ChristianHow do ____ make sense of the world? Hindu
Year SixHow and why does religion bring peace and conflict? MultiHow do _______ explain the suffering in the world? BuddhistWhat does it mean to be human? Is being happy the greatest purpose in life? Humanist/ChristianCreation or science: conflicting or complementary? Christian/HumanistHow do beliefs shape identity for ______? Muslim (prepare for KS3)


As a Church School, we ensure that at least 51% of the RE curriculum taught is Christianity, but often more than this. The demographic of our school shows that many of our community have no religious beliefs and therefore we teach Humanism as a reference to living a good life with human values at the centre.



We visit Norwich Cathedral for different events with different year groups. We visit Christian Churches of different denominations. We have days for children to explore concepts in more detail: creation, salvation and incarnation. We believe that our children at Heartwood learn best through first hand experiences and we encourage visitors and visit throughout the year and also include Godly play.

We have a strong partnership with St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church and have created an annual enrichment timetable:


Making a Difference

As part of our Religious Education curriculum we discuss the importance of people's beliefs, respecting each other and our differences, and being able to learn from others. As well as this, pupils learn the values that Christians hold, and how these can be used in their everyday lives. By having an understanding of our own and others' beliefs, our pupils learn to respect and appreciate other people, their beliefs and life choices.



How we teach Religious Education


At Heartwood our Nursery and Reception classrooms thrive on excitement, curiosity and discovery, where language and communication are the foundations of play and adventure. Through the overt modelling and teaching of early philosophical skills, including thinking and talking, playing and storytelling, we provide children with the tools for genuine enquiry, equipping them for both now and the future learning. 

The key skills we model, teach and the children learn and nurture from the beginning of EYFS are  

  • Engagement with philosophical questions at their level. e.g., Should I share the cake? 
  • Speaking skills e.g., explaining their own ideas 
  • Listening skills e.g., responding relevantly to what other children say 
  • Reasoning skills 

To support our children we use question stems, such as ‘can you tell me why?’, ‘What do you think about…?’, ‘I really like…idea. What do you think?’ 


We teach RE through the Enquiry Process; Engage, Enquire, Explore, Evaluate, Express.




Ensuring all can access and flourish in Religious Education

Spirituality in Religious Education at Heartwood

The Nicholas Hamond Academy 


Our curriculum is designed to prepare the children for the next stages in their education in each subject. Our curriculum map plans to support the declarative and procedural knowledge needed for the children to access and thrive in RE in KS3.


TNHA Philosophy and RE Curriculum Plan


Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from R.E, please see the guidance below 

Online links for learning Videos on how different worldviews show care and visits to their religious buildings. Videos of Bible stories Videos of different worldviews and their celebrations/important days Videos of Bible stories suitable for children in KS2 Videos appropriate for EYFS about respect, and the life of Jesus Videos exploring Religions of the world
