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Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School
Learn to Love – Love to Learn!

Parent Forum

We hold meetings every term to share information with parents and it is one of many ways we ensure that parents and guardians have a voice. 


We create a relaxed atmosphere with music, warm drinks, pastries and flowers to make all feel welcome. 


An agenda is agreed and shared before the meeting with set topics to discuss. This gives parents and guardians the opportunity to think about what their questions or views maybe before hand. 


‘Golden Rules’ for all members of the Parent Forum to observe during meetings:


·  Respect confidentiality and never name individual teachers, pupils, members of staff or other parents


·  Support and be guided by the Chair of the meeting


·  Keep to the allocated time and the agreed agenda


·  Attempt to keep individual contributions brief


·  Respect others opinions and ideas by letting them finish without interruption
