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Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School
Learn to Love – Love to Learn!

Relationships and Behaviour

At our school we approach behaviour in a way that has learning at it's core and as such strives to foster behaviours which support learning for all members of our school. Our approach is a means of promoting good relationships so that staff and pupils can play and work together in a caring and considerate way. We believe that being aware of each child’s needs and their individual circumstances helps us to support each member of our school community. Learning to behave appropriately is a developmental task that requires support, encouragement, teaching and setting the correct example.


We follow 3 school rules;





All staff understand these rules and apply a consistent approach to ensure that children also have a great understanding of these rules and how they are followed.


We reinforce these 'rules' through a positive approach and through the use of praise and reward. We positively promote behaviour through;

Positive verbal praise

Recognition points - children who are Ready, Respectful and Safe

Postcards sent home to parents

Celebration phone calls home

House points

Half Termly Hot Chocolate 

If you require a paper copy of our school's behaviour policy then please ask at the school office.