Prayer from Diocese of Norwich to support our families through this difficult time
Loving God,
you brought Noah and his ark to dry land
through the stormy waters of his day:
bless us too, we pray, and those we love, as we navigate the stormy waters of Covid-19.
We look now at your rainbow,
symbol of hope and promise:
make our hearts as glad as Noah's
with the green shoots of newness
which we see around us.
Monday 29th November 2021
Due to the changes in government guidance we please request that all visitors including parents and carers, wear a face covering on the school site unless exempt.
Thursday 21st October 2021
Email to parents and carers:
Good evening all,
The local authority have communicated with Norfolk Schools stating that the number of cases of COVID-19 in the county are rising. You will be aware of the current rise in Covid-19 cases across the country, including Norfolk. The current 7-day case rate in Norfolk is 464 per 100,000 people. Cases are highest in young people aged 11- 16.
We have been very fortunate at Heartwood to only have had one case when we returned in early September which was well contained and was spread from a family member.
To continue to work hard to prevent the spread of the virus we will:
- continue regular hand washing
- adults will socially distance where possible and staff can wear masks in communal areas
- ask that parents/carers and staff test regularly for the virus using LFD tests
- that children and staff remain at home if they are symptomatic, isolate and book a PCR test
- continue to keep all areas well ventilated
- continue with thorough cleaning
The local authority have asked at present that schools only hold events for parents/carers if essential. We have made the difficult decision to cancel the open classrooms on w/c 1st Nov and we apologise for any inconvenience.
We will however, as deemed as essential, continue with the face-to-face parent/carer meetings on 10th and 11th November. You will have the opportunity at these to look at your child's work and add a positive comment to it. We please encourage parents/carers to wear a mask and wait outside the classroom door until called in. If you would prefer a phone call please speak to your child's class teacher.
We are hoping and praying to continue with all planned Christmas events.
Thank you for all the wonderful support
Please stay safe and take care
September 2021
We have reviewed our risk assessments to reflect the changes in the DfE guidance for schools. Please see them below.
We will continue to provide remote learning for any pupils who are isolating and are well enough to engage.
March 2021
W/C Monday 11th January 2021
The school continues to be partially closed to pupils. We are open to key worker, vulnerable and Nursery children. Please make sure you have a confirmed place before bringing your children. Thank you
Tuesday 5th January 2021
Due to the Prime Minister's announcement, we have had to close the school until February half term. Daily remote learning is in place.
We are partially open to key worker and vulnerable children only.
Monday 4th January 2021
The school is only open to Year 3/Reception and Nursery/ KS1 Key worker and vulnerable children. Please see emails for full information.
The 10 days self-isolation starts from the onset of symptoms. In the absence of symptoms (i.e. asymptomatic) it is taken from the test date (i.e. when the swab is taken), not when the result comes back. If someone is asymptomatic at the point of testing and then develops symptoms shortly afterwards, the latter symptom onset date is taken.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 stay at home and start to self-isolate for 10 days from when your symptoms start and arrange to have a COVID-19 test.
If you do not have symptoms but have tested positive for COVID-19, stay at home for 10 days from the day the test was taken. This is because you can still pass the infection to others. If you do develop symptoms after your test, restart the 10-day period from the day your symptoms develop.
Friday 23rd October 2020- half term
In the event of a child receiving a positive COVID result, the school must be informed immediately so we can contact staff and children in the bubble.
Please email
The emails will be checked regularly 💚
Friday 16th October 2020
Please read the information on the link below to refresh your understanding of COVID-19 and how to keep yourself, your family and the school community safe. With ever changing guidance, it is vital you keep up to date with all the information.
Monday 28th September 2020
Friday 18th September 2020
Sunday 13th September 2020
If your child or anyone in your household displays ANY of the coronavirus symptoms, you MUST get them tested, even if a high temperature which they 'normally' get with a cold. They cannot attend school if they have had a temperature and not been tested, even in 'Calpol brought it down'
Children will be refused entry from school until a negative test confirmation has been produced.
If for whatever reason you are refusing to get your child tested, they cannot attend school for 10 days and siblings for 14 days. We do however strongly advise testing.
Please note that if ANYONE in the household has displayed symptoms, then ALL of the household need to isolate until that member's test comes back negative or if it is positive the household needs to inform the school and isolate for 14 days
Please continue to keep our school community safe <3
We are also not medically trained professionals so can only 'advise' with the guidance shared.
Friday 11th September 2020
Please read and follow the latest government guidance on social distancing to keep our school community safe.
Thank you
Friday 4th September 2020
Please note that DFE have stated that children cannot have a reduction to their school day.
This means that children cannot be dropped off late or collected early from their classrooms.
The teachers will not open their doors until the time stated and shared. There will be a 5min leeway for children to start the day.
If you have siblings then all classes will be open from 8:40am until 3:10pm. This extension can only be used if collecting siblings from another class. Please collect the children whose classes finish earlier before the later one.
Please do not come later that 3:10pm if that is the time your child's class finishes.
We have the morning club on offer for £2 per day or £9 per week if you are struggling with the staggered drop offs. This needs to be booked a week in advance please.
Iceni also offer a collection and after school provision.
Please drop your child/ren off and leave the school immediately, no socialising with other parents please, this will ensure the safety of all.
Please bear with us, Monday is the start of the new staggered starts and teething problems may occur which we will address as they arise. We review our risk assessments daily. Please work with us as a partnership and let us know any concerns as they arise.
It is vital, for the safety of our families and staff, that children do not come to school late.
We are extremely excited about Monday and cannot wait to welcome our children, new and old to our newly renovated school
Have a wonderful weekend
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Please follow the one way system when dropping off and picking up your children on Monday. It is important that you are not too early or late for your child's dropping off time to keep all safe.
The back gate will be closed on Monday until further notice. This maybe revised in the future.
Due to COVID-19 we do not have the staff to supervise the back gate and it causes a bottle neck of people.
We have thoroughly risk assessed all measures to keep the school community safe. These are reviewed daily.
Please support the school by following all measures put in place.
Children and adults MUST wash their hands when leaving the house and DO NOT send any children in displaying symptoms.
Just a reminder that parents and carers MUST NOT park in the school car park spaces. This causes potential risk to families dropping off and picking up children.
Thank you for always supporting the school
Friday 26th June 2020
Please keep regularly reading the Government guidance to keep each other safe
Thursday 18th June 2020
We have spare uniform available for any children who may have grown out of theirs. Please help yourself from the lunch trolley on the playground.
Monday 15th June 2020
We have a few spaces left in our Reception pods. The children have had great fun today, lots of smiles and laughter.
Please get in touch if you would like a space for your child
Monday 8th June 2020
Many of you may have heard that schools will struggle to open for all children in a safe way before the summer.
With only small numbers of children allowed to be in each ‘pod’ this dramatically decreases the number of children that we can safely accommodate.
All our available classrooms and the hall will be in use next week for the Nursery, Reception, key worker and vulnerable children. Using current guidance and risk assessments, this makes it virtually impossible to welcome any more year groups back into school this academic year.
If things change in the next 5 and a half weeks, of course we will fling open the doors in excitement to welcome more of our wonderful children back
Looking very unlikely though.
I understand this maybe overwhelming for some of you and we are always here to chat and support you.
We feel heartbroken that we may not be able to give the year 2 children who are leaving, the send off they deserve but we will!!! We will find a way... even if later this year, we will bring the year 2 children in and party and celebrate.
We have incredible and talented staff at our school. Try your best to keep going with the home learning, but also don’t panic! When children return they will work tirelessly as usual to ensure your children have the best education they can.
From Friday 17th July- September the school ground will be taken over by the building company to make it all incredible to become Heartwood CE VC Primary School. This means we cannot provide any childcare over this time
Thursday 4th June 2020
Letter sending love and support
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
An update from our Governors meeting on Monday 1st June 2020...
Children who have asked for places in Nursery will start on Monday 8th June.
Information has been shared with these parents. This will be a morning session on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Children who have asked for places in Reception will start on Monday 15th June.
This will be on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday there will be staggered times to start and finish the day. We will contact these parents soon with all information.
The school will be closed to these groups on a Wednesday to ensure the rooms have a deep clean and that teachers have the time to plan and continue to film the learning videos for the children not attending school.
School will continue to be open for key worker and vulnerable children daily.
We require a full week's notice if parents would like their children to attend school and they haven't got a place already. The children are divided into very small pods, once these are full we cannot take any more children.
Due to limited space and numbers in each pod, it is looking unlikely that we can welcome Year 1 children back soon.
Daily learning videos will continue and learning packs will be available from next week
Thank you for all the support
Tuesday 19th May 2020
A Governors meeting was held this morning to discuss the opening of the school from the 1st June for more pupils. The Governors are very supportive and have everyone's best interests and safety at heart.
We are meeting again on 1st June to discuss the latest guidance and assess the local situation to ensure that all of the school community are safe.
The vulnerable and key worker pod will continue as normal 5 days a week from 1st June. The decision was made that the school would not open for further pupils before at least 8th June.
We will keep you updated with all decisions and a letter from the Governors will follow.
Sunday 10th May 2020
I am sure most of you have tuned into watching tonight's speech from the Prime mInister. I have put a link below for those that may have not.
We sadly do not know any more information than we have watched this evening and will update you all when we know more.
We all need to take each day at a time and try to not be overwhelmed by everything. Please remember we are always here to talk, support or signpost you to support.
Please continue to keep yourselves and your community safe by social distancing. Look and check in on friends and neighbours. It is important we all follow the restrictions.
Big love to all the children and families, from all the staff at our school
Latest News
Staying Safe Online at Home
Keeping children safe both at home and in school is a priority for both us at school and you as parents. Please click on the link below to find expert advice and guidance about how to keep your child safe online at home, and also some great activities to teach the children to be safe online.
Home learning - Monday 20th April
You will be able to get new home learning packs from the playground, please respect social distancing when collecting.
Monday- Nursery
Tuesday- Reception
Wednesday- Year 1
Thursday- Year 2
If your child is eligible for Free school meals (not universal free school meals) we are providing packed lunches daily during term time for collection from the School playground. Please contact if you would like to order one for your child or cancel your child's order.
Update 1st April
Please be aware that there is currently no-one manning the office phone at the moment. Please leave a voicemail or email
Tomorrow will be the last day to collect Free school meals until the 20th April.
There is provision for children, with both parents as key workers or a key worker who is a single parent, over the Easter holidays. Please email for more information.
Have a wonderful Easter and stay safe!
Update: 24th March 2020
Advice and guidance for Parents from the Local Authority is available here.
Update: 19th March 2020
We have now been instructed to close the school to almost all children after this Friday until further notice. If you are a key worker, your child has an EHCP or a social worker they maybe eligible for a place at the school.
Latest News
Update: 17th March 2020 at 15:00