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Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School
Learn to Love – Love to Learn!

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

It is our school’s prime responsibilities to meet the learning needs of all our children and to provide an inclusion environment. In doing this, our school has continued to review and develop its provision for pupils and parents. This has involved developing our current practice and holding various INSET training sessions for all staff. Miss Marie Compton is our school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-Coordinator (SENDCo). She monitors and assess the school’s provision for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in order to maintain and develop high standards.


Children who have specific learning difficulties or needs are initially assessed in school and given an Individual Education Plan, using the graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review (APDR) cycle. These plans highlight learning targets for children to work on, in school and at home. The targets are made to try and overcome the child’s specific learning barriers. If a child continues to struggle with their learning targets we will seek advice from external educational agencies. In some cases an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) is requested, which sometimes allows access to alternative agencies and provision.


As a school we aim to work closely with parents and children to ensure the best provision. Parents are given questionnaires and invited into school or to meet online, to discuss their child’s learning targets and to discuss our school SEND provision. Children are encouraged to discuss and suggest the next steps of their learning and how they can achieve this. These meetings allow parents, children, teachers and external agencies, such as a speech therapist, to discuss and review learning needs and provisions. Children with an EHC Plan also have Annual Review Meetings to ensure we are meeting the needs of every child in our care.


A new SEND website has also been launched: 


If you have any questions or queries please contact Miss Marie Compton (SENDCo) at 


Further information about our SEND provision can be found in our SEND Information Report or Policy below;

SEND Parent Questionnaire October 2023 -

Heartwood Provision Map

SENCo guide for Parents and Carers

Norfolk & Waveney Autism/ADHD July Newsletter

The Link Newsletter - February 2024

SEND Policy 24-25

Accessibility Plan

Intimate Care Policy 22-25

Dyslexia Parent Cafe 15.11.23

Useful websites:

Local support for Autism:

  • Local support for Autism:

  • Asd Helping Hands. 
  • West Norfolk Autism Group 
  • Autism Anglia 
  • Norfolk Sendiass 
  • Norfolk SEN network 
  • SENsational families 
  • NANSA 
  • Norfolk Autism Partnership 
  • Just One Norfolk 
  • Norfolk & Suffolk Schools Psychological Team 
  • SEND friendly activities (facebook group) 
  • Carers Matters Norfolk – Autism and Aspergers Carer Support group 
  • Asperger East Anglia 
  • Engage Norfolk 
  • Family Action  
  • Norfolk Mind  
  • Young minds 
  • Autism Service Norfolk (NHS) 

SENDCo: Marie Compton 

SEND Link Governor: Lee Stevens
